Author Archives: Danny Grenier

Virage Simulation Inc., partners with AQTR for the presentation of the 1st “Gala d’excellence des écoles de conduite”.

Montreal, 29 June 2007 - Virage Simulation supports the presentation of the first “Gala d’excellence des écoles de conduite”

We are proud to support the Quebec “2007, Road Safety Year” and promote the quality of services and education within the driving schools. Virage Simulation joins the AQTR to present the first “Gala d’excellence des écoles de conduite” which will be hosted in Québec city in Novembre 2007.

Located in Montreal, Virage Simulation develops products and services for driver education and road safety research.

For more information, please contact:

Virage Simulation Inc.
Rémi Quimper, Président