Author Archives: Danny Grenier

Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol: Troubling Facts Observed on a Simulator

Montreal, November 20, 2009 - Virage Simulation Inc., a Canadian leader in vehicle simulator products, services and turnkey training solutions, continues to support the mission of its customer, the CAA-Quebec, to promote road safety.

The CAA-Quebec and the TVA television network’s JE show recently conducted tests within the safe and realistic environment of Virage Simulation's driving simulator to demonstrate how taking the wheel after consuming even small amounts of alcohol can endanger one’s own life and the lives of others. Three participants who had consumed alcohol without exceeding the legal .08 limit exhibited loss of attention, erratic, sudden movements and lack of anticipation while driving. The shock of witnessing the detrimental effects of alcohol on driving safety in this one-of-a-kind exercise is intended to have a sobering affect on all concerned.

See TVA television network’s JE show

See CAA-Quebec test announcement

For more information, please contact:

Virage Simulation Inc.
Rémi Quimper, Président